As a valued donor or advisor, you have the power to make a lasting impact on the lives of those in our community. Through Greater Houston Community Foundation, we offer a range of giving options that enable you to support the causes and organizations that matter most to you. Whether you’re looking to support a specific cause or organization or leave a lasting legacy for future generations, we’re here to guide you every step of the way.
Charitable Gift Types
Business Interests
Are you a business owner looking to make a meaningful contribution to your community? Consider donating a portion of your business interests to the Foundation.
Closely Traded Stock
Donating closely traded stock to Greater Houston Community Foundation is a strategic and impactful way to support charitable causes while optimizing your financial portfolio.
Coins, Jewelry & Art
Are you considering a unique way to support your community while also simplifying your estate planning? Consider donating coins, jewelry, or art to Greater Houston Community Foundation.
Life Insurance
A gift of your life insurance policy is an excellent way to make a charitable gift. If you have a life insurance policy that has outlasted its original purpose, consider making a gift of your insurance policy to the Foundation.
Privately Held Assets
Unlock the power of your investments to create lasting change in your community with gifts of privately held stock.
Publicly Traded Stocks, Bonds & Securities
Discover the power of donating publicly traded stocks and bonds to the Foundation and maximize the impact of your charitable giving
Real Estate
Donating appreciated real estate, such as a home, vacation property, undeveloped land, farmland, ranch, or commercial property can make a great gift to your DAF.
Retirement Assets
Consider donating part or all of your retirement assets, such as your IRA, 401(k), 403(b), pension or other tax-deferred plan, to help further our mission.