Contact Us.
If you are a Greater Houston Community Foundation donor and have questions about your fund specifically, contact our Donor Services department at or 713-333-2210.
Our Address:
515 Post Oak Blvd., Suite 1000 | Houston, TX 77027
Attention Nonprofit Partners
Greater Houston Community Foundation does not have discretionary funds for grantmaking. Grants are awarded to 501c3 public charities at the specific direction of our donors. Our donors establish funds with us and then choose which charitable organizations to support through those funds. We support our donors’ philanthropic efforts by offering administrative services, programming, advising, and educational opportunities to help them make informed giving decisions.
To stay up to date on announcements and helpful resources, we recommend signing up for our newsletter and following Greater Houston Community Foundation and Understanding Houston on social media as that is often the fastest way to stay informed and learn about upcoming programs and events!